My wife asked me a very simple, but profound question; "When does someone who claims to be anointed, get baptized in holy spirit?".
I'd never thought of it before, but it quickly dawned on me that in general, anyone who claims to have the heavenly hope, never had it at their baptism. They almost always received their 'calling' after several years as a Christian.
So when were they "baptized in holy spirit", thereby being subject to two baptisms? Hence my reasons for the following submission;
Baptized in the Holy Spirit
(Acts 2:38) Peter [said] to them: "Repent, and let each one of YOU be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of YOUR sins, and YOU will receive the free gift of the holy spirit.
(When would people receive holy spirit?)
(Acts 5:32) And we are witnesses of these matters, and so is the holy spirit, which God has given to those obeying him as ruler."
(Who qualified to receive holy spirit?)
(Acts 10:45-46) And the faithful ones that had come with Peter who were of those circumcised were amazed, because the free gift of the holy spirit was being poured out also upon people of the nations. For they heard them speaking with tongues and magnifying God.
(Was the holy spirit restricted to certain people?)
(Acts 11:16-17) At this I called to mind the saying of the Lord, how he used to say, ‘John, for his part, baptized with water, but YOU will be baptized in holy spirit.’ If, therefore, God gave the same free gift to them as he also did to us who have believed upon the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I should be able to hinder God?"
(John 1:33) Even I did not know him, but the very One who sent me to baptize in water said to me, ‘Whoever it is upon whom you see the spirit coming down and remaining, this is the one that baptizes in holy spirit.’
(Paul said that there was "one Lord, one faith, one baptism"; (Do the two verses above apply to his words?)
(Acts 15:7-8) Now when much disputing had taken place, Peter rose and said to them: "Men, brothers, YOU well know that from early days God made the choice among YOU that through my mouth people of the nations should hear the word of the good news and believe; and God, who knows the heart, bore witness by giving them the holy spirit, just as he did to us also.
(To whom did Jehovah give holy spirit, and why?)
(Acts 19:2) and he said to them: "Did you receive holy spirit when YOU became believers?"
(What did Paul expect to happen to anyone who became a believer in Christ's ransom?
(Ephesians 1:13-14) But YOU also hoped in him after YOU heard the word of truth, the good news about YOUR salvation. By means of him also, after YOU believed, YOU were sealed with the promised holy spirit, which is a token in advance of our inheritance, for the purpose of releasing by a ransom [God’s] own possession, to his glorious praise.
(Ephesians 4:30) Also, do not be grieving God’s holy spirit, with which YOU have been sealed for a day of releasing by ransom.
(What sequence of events led to someone receiving holy spirit?)
(Titus 3:5) but according to his mercy he saved us through the bath that brought us to life and through the making of us new by holy spirit.
(Was Paul addressing his words to only those with the heavenly hope?)